Available for children aged 3 months - 5 years at both Corby East Midlands International Pool and Lodge Park Sports Centre. The times are perfect if you want to swim, go to the gym, go to a group exercise class or even go shopping. Children up to 8 years of age can also attend with siblings during school holidays at Corby Pool.
Creche sessions can be booked up to 1 week in advance.
Payment is required at time of booking.
Pool Crèche Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 11.25am
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 12.30pm - 2.25pm
(Parents can Swim 4 Free during afternoon sessions)
Lodge Park Crèche Opening Times
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 9.30am - 11.25am
Additional services such as Drop 'n' Shop (enables you to leave site while we watch your child) and Bring 'n' Swim (where we watch your child while you exercise, and if in the pool, a member of staff with then bring your child at a pre-arranged time to pool side for free) is available at Corby Pool. Parents of twins or multiples may also be interested in our Twins on Tuesday support group. Ask for more details.
Tots 'n' Tiddlers
*Only Available at Lodge Park Sports Centre
Fun pre-school gym and movement classes for children, delivered by our enthusiastic team. These sessions helps to develop social, physical, education, imagination and co-ordination skills. Due to limited spaces parents are advised to pre-book sessions. Sessions can be booked weekly. Additional soft play sessions run throughout the holiday periods.
Every Thursday during school term time.
Children under 2 years: 10am – 10.45am
Children aged 2 – 3 years: 11am – 11.45am & 12pm - 12.45pm
Children aged 3 – 4 years: 1pm - 1.45pm, 1.45pm – 2.30pm
Corby International
Tots and
Tots and Tiddlers is fun pre-school gym and movement for children. This session helps develop social, physical, imagination and co-ordination skills. Sessions can be booked weekly. Additional soft play sessions run throughout the holiday period. Please 'like' us on facebook or contact us at Lodge Park Sports Centre for up to date information about these extra sessions. Sessions run on a Thursday throughout the term time.
session times
Children Under 2 years: 10:00am - 10:45am
Children aged 2 - 3 years: 11:00am - 11:45am
Independent Beginners: 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Children aged 3 - 4 years: 1 - 1:45pm
or 1:45 - 2:30pm (Pre-school)

Kings Wood Nature Reserve
In medieval times Rockingham Forest covered much of north-east Northamptonshire – King’s Wood is a small fragment of this once great forest. This ancient woodland was managed for centuries as Crown coppice, providing shelter for the King’s deer as well as wood for fuel. With the expansion of Corby, it became the first Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in Northamptonshire.
Traditional management of the trees by coppicing has been restored. More than 250 species of plants have been recorded including;
Wood anemone Anemone nemorosa,
Dog's mercury Mercurialis perennis,
Enchanter's nightshade Circaea lutetiana,
Yellow archangel Lamium galeobdolon and
Wood-sorrel Oxalis acetosella
All are characteristic of ancient woodlands.
King’s Wood is now encircled by the neighbourhoods of Danesholme, Kingswood, Beanfield and Oakley Vale, but the 32-hectare wood continues to be an important home for many plants and animals and a cherished green haven for those living nearby.
Kings Wood is owned by North Northamptonshire Council - and managed in a partnership between North Northamptonshire Council and the Wildlife Trust. The Wildlife Trust carries out conservation management work and works closely with the Friends of King’s Wood, an active volunteer group dedicated to caring for the wood.

The wood is a fine example of an oak-ash woodland and, whilst not quite meeting the criteria for a SSSI designation, King’s Wood represents a strong addition to the compliment of existing nature reserves within the County. The site supports a rich and diverse fauna and flora, habitats and particular land use history. It also represents one of the last remaining fragments of the ancient woodland of Rockingham Forest.
King's Wood is now an important urban home for all kinds of plants and animals and is a great place for spotting wildlife! Over 250 different species of plants have been recorded at the reserve, including many that are characteristic of ancient woodlands such as wood anemone, dog’s mercury, enchanter’s-nightshade, yellow archangel and wood sorrel. Tawny owl, treecreeper and all three species of woodpecker can be found at King's Wood, as well as a wide variety of other birds, and the reserve is also a fantastic site for a large number of different invertebrates including many different types of butterflies, dragonflies/damselflies and beetles.
The Wildlife Trust is currently doing lots of exciting work at King's Wood to make it as welcoming and accessible for visitors as possible. There will be onsite improvements to signage and interpretation as well as lots of opportunities to get involved and find out more about the reserve through organised events, activities and volunteering.
To find out more about King's Wood, upcoming events and activities and about The Wildlife Trust in general please visit www.wildlifebcn.org email northamptonshire@wildlifebcn.org or phone 01604 405285.
For further information regarding Friends of Group within the Borough click here