Dear Members,
We are so excited to tell you all that we are planning on re-opening our doors on Monday 12th April 2021. We cannot wait to see you all back in our centres again!
As a big thank you, those members that froze their memberships instead of cancelling during lockdown, we will be giving you April for FREE and those that made a membership payment in January will also not pay anything in May either. This means for most of our members, you will PAY NOTHING until June!
For those members that did not make a payment in January, you can pay £9.99 to reactivate your membership but this is a limited time offer. If this applies to you, simply email with your name and contact details, our membership team with reactivate this for you.
There will still be some Government restrictions as we come out of lockdown and there are some key dates you need to be aware of...

Re-Opening Roadmap - Key Dates
Monday 29th March 2021:
Priors Hall Golf Course reopens. Pre-booked fourballs will be permitted on the course. Season ticket holders will be able to book 8 days in advance and we are already taking bookings online. Our phonelines will also be manned from 8am - 2pm. Members of the public can book 7 days in advance. Our bar and restaurant will provide a takeaway service from Monday 12th April and society bookings will resume after Monday 17th May.
Monday 12th April 2021:
Corby East Midlands International Pool and Lodge Park Sports Centre reopen.
Gyms at both sites reopen. We are asking members to pre-book their gym session during peak times initially (4:30pm - 7:30pm Weekdays Only). There is no need to book the gym outside of these peak times. We will be monitoring our peak times and we will be reviewing if there is a need to continue to book at peak times a few weeks after re-opening. Members will be able to pre-book peak time gym sessions from Sunday 4th April.
General leisure swimming and lane swimming restarts. Please note, this will not be available between 3pm and 7pm weekdays and 8:30am and 1pm at weekends due to swimming lessons. We advise that you pre-book these sessions to guarantee your space. Please visit the FAQ;s section below for more information.
Swimming and Diving lessons restart. Please visit the FAQ's section below for more information.
Gym Programmes and Reviews restart. These free appointments can be booked in the gyms at either site. Simply speak to a member of our gym staff during your visit and they will arrange this for you. Due to coronavirus restrictions, these will be offered on a one-to-one basis and we ask all customers to wear a mask throughout the duration of these appointments (unless your trainer has asked you to complete some aerobic exercise as part of the appointment where they will maintain a 2m distance).
Indoor Personal Training can restart. Please speak to your personal trainer to restart your sessions. Please note: this must be done on a 1:1 basis. 'Buddy' personal training cannot resume until Monday 17th May.
Outdoor Football restarts at Lodge Park Sports Centre. We are proud to announce our brand new 4G astroturf is complete and ready for you to book with your friends. For more information about booking our astroturf, please contact us on 01536 400033.
Indoor Sports and Activities such as Dancing can restart for under 18's. Please contact your activity organiser for more information.
Monday 17th May 2021:
Indoor Group Exercise Classes restart. All of your favourite instructors and classes return. Social distancing restrictions will continue until the Government lift all restrictions schedules for Monday 21st June 2021.
During lockdown we are happy to announce some investment in our Group Exercise classes.
We have replaced our MyRide system in our Cycle Studio with a brand new, Les Mills Virtual system. This means we now have x2 Virtual Group Exercise Studios at Lodge Park Sports Centre. You will be able to take part in your favourite Les Mills cycle classes such as RPM and Sprint during most hours of the day!
We have also added a new, bespoke camera system in the studio at Corby Pool meaning you will be able to take part in all of the classes in that studio from the comfort of your own home!
Our new and improved Group Exercise Timetable will be sent to members prior to this date.
'Buddy' Indoor Personal Training can restart.
Monday 7th June 2021:
Our Health Suite is scheduled to re-open (Sauna, Steam Room and Spa Pool). Booking will be required to ensure social distancing. Only available weekdays till 3:30pm and weekends between 1:30pm and 5:00pm due to swimming lessons. Full opening hours are scheduled to resume from Monday 21st June 2021.
Monday 21st June 2021:
All areas can reopen fully with no limits on social contact.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When can we get back in the water?
Corby International Swimming Pool will re-open on Monday 12th April 2021.
This includes Leisure Swimming, Lane Swimming, Pirate Pool for under 5’s, Swimming & Diving Lessons for under 18’s, Club Swimming, Parent and Toddler Sessions, Disability and Additional Needs Sessions, Ladies Only Sessions, School Swimming and Adult Only Sessions.
When will my child’s Swimming and Diving Lessons start back?
All aquatic lessons for under 18year old’s will return on Monday 12th April 2021. Direct Debits will not be collected in April. The first payment will be in May, we will collect half a month, then in June we will continue to collect the full amount. Those who pay up front for 12 lessons have been frozen and will start paying again from your first lesson back from 12th April onwards.
Lessons will resume in the same format as before Christmas , arrive beach ready, use the one-way-system through the café area and wait in your designated drop off pod. Parents will continue to spectate on poolside. Outdoor footwear must be removed before entering poolside. Showers in the changing village will remain closed during lessons, however cubicles will be available to use.
If you have any questions please email
Why are swimming teachers told to teach from the side?
It is important to minimise the number of people in the water to ensure social distancing is maintained as much as possible, which is why we are encouraging teachers to teach from the poolside wherever possible.
When will Aqua Classes return such as Deep and Shallow Water Workout?
If the lifting of lockdown restrictions continues as planned, then all Aqua Classes will return to the normal programme from Monday 17th May 2021. You will be able to book your desired sessions up to a week in advance either online, at Reception or over the phone.
Member’s, don’t forget you get the opportunity to book a day ahead of non-members 😊
Do I have to book to use either gym?
To use the gyms at Corby Pool and Lodge Park Sports Centre, you only need to book if you are planning to come during our peak times (Weekdays from 4:30pm to 7:30pm). Outside of these times and at weekends, there is no need to book. We will be reviewing usage over the first few weeks and if we deem it safe, we may remove this. This will be removed completely when the Government lift all restrictions currently scheduled for Monday 21st June.
Do I have to clean each piece of equipment after I have used it in the gym?
We are asking all members to collect a cleaning cloth / or use the paper towel provided and clean your own equipment after each use. This reduces the risk of coronavirus dramatically. If you are unable to clean your equipment for any reason, please use the flip card on your machine to red and our gym staff will clean this. We are asking for you to support our staff as much as possible though.
When will the Health Suite be open again?
The Health Suite is scheduled to re-open on Monday 7th June 2021. Booking will be required to ensure social distancing. Only available weekdays till 3.30pm and weekends between 1:30pm and 5:00pm due to swimming lessons.
Full opening hours are scheduled to resume from Monday 21st June 2021.
When can I book into a session?
The online booking system will go live on Tuesday 6th April for you to make your bookings for when we re-open on April 12th 2021. Simply head to our member area > book online.
Even though the facility is still closed to the public, the Front of House Team will be taking calls from customers between 7am-7pm Tuesday 6th April-Friday 9th April if you wish to speak to a member of the team over the phone, they will also be able to help with any queries or concerns you may have.
Payments must be made at the time of booking to secure your place. Please read the web booking information when making a booking online to ensure you have booked all individuals in specific sessions correctly, such as the Pirate Pool (for under 5’s).
Why are there different bather loads for different activities?
The maximum bather loads have been reduced to ensure that everyone is able to social distance and follow government guidance.
Are you sure that cleaning swimming lesson equipment in pool water is sufficient?
The Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) state: “The available evidence shows that the physical effect of the pool water and an appropriate relationship between free chlorine and pH value should inactivate the virus. The dilution of virus in the pool water volume will also reduce the risk of exposure and transmission.”
Furthermore, Swim England’s Returning to Pools guidance and PWTAG technical notes have been produced in consultation with Public Health England, supporting the view that coronavirus would be inactivated at the levels of chlorine used in swimming pools.
Should I shower at the pool or not?
Showering before you swim is a vital contribution to ensuring the free chlorine in the pool water is available for disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (rather than being used to clean dirt off swimmers). We are also encouraging swimmers to shower at home before and after their swim to reduce the time spent in the shower/changing areas.
Shouldn’t lockers just be closed at the moment?
At Corby Swimming Pool we have decided that we will operate using a strict Covid-19 cleaning regime and system, we feel its safe for the lockers to remain open. However with this arrangement, it is vital that people continue to adhere to social distancing in the locker/changing areas.
What does “beach style” mean. Do I have to drive home in my wet stuff?
What we mean by “beach style turn up and swim” is that, wherever possible, arrive at the pool already wearing your swimming costumes underneath your clothes and having showered at home. We are encouraging swimmers to do this to minimise the time spent in changing areas. Similarly we are encouraging swimmers to shower at home after their swim if possible, again to minimise the time spent in the changing and shower areas after a swim.
However, private changing facilities will still be available for swimmers both pre and post swim.
Please use the “Flip Card” system in the Changing Village to help the staff identify cubicles that require extra cleaning. Once you have used a cubicle please change the card to RED. If the card is showing a GREEN smiley face then it indicates to users that the cubicle has been cleaned and ready to use.
Should people with health conditions/disabilities return to the pool?
Absolutely, we know that swimming is a fantastic activity for people with a range of health conditions / disabilities. However, those in the high risk and moderate risk groups should consider the latest government advice before returning to the pool.
People categorised as “high risk” or who have concerns may wish to consult with their medical practitioner before returning to the water.
Can people who are shielding return to swimming?
People who are shielding should follow the latest government guidance.
You recommend double width lanes but can we have less people in a single lane?
We have chosen to operate with double width lanes after taking into account guidance from Swim England and carrying out our own risk assessment on activities to ensure the risk of transmission is minimised.
Club Swimming have their own risk assessments and operate differently to public swimming.
Why are you asking each lane to swim in the same direction?
By having each lane follow the same direction of travel, this will mean swimmers are unable to swim side by side, minimising the risk of potential transmission of Covid-19.
We hope you have found the FAQ’s useful, if you have concerns about your return to the facility or have any unanswered questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us via email;
If you have any queries regarding your membership please email;
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for up to date information on your return to the facility, we hope you are looking forward to returning to your activities just as much as we are looking forward to welcoming you back 😊
Yours in Health and Fitness,
The Team at Corby Leisure