It has a been busy summer and the weather has been fantastic!!! The team have been working hard to bring lots of fun, excitement and keep the kids busy throughout the summer.
Across our facilities here are just some of the activities and sports we offered;
Lodge Park Sports Centre - Pay & play astroturf, racket sports
West Glebe Sports Pavilion - Pay and play astroturf, racket sports, basketball, bike pump track, interactive walk.
Corby East Midlands International Pool - Family float, surf and turf, intensive swimming lessons, water safety & rescue skills, deep water confidence lessons.
We also supported HAF during the summer with swimming sessions and picnic in the park.
Active Communities delivered four Active Families funday's, ten Turn up and Play sessions as well two Icanwecanyoucan Paralympic/Olympic events and all of these were FREE!
We hope that many of you came along to some of them with your children/grandchildren and took part in some of the fun we had on offer; water slides, tennis, badminton, basketball shootouts, karate, swingball. Did anyone try something new like volleyball?
Well done to all the leisure team for making this summer one of the best!!!
Here are some pictures from the events that took place across North Northamptonshire.
Turn up and Play sessions.
Each Thursday and Friday throughout August, ten multisport sessions were held in Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and Rushden.
Active Families Fundays
Our FREE Active Families fundays took place at Corby, Wellingborough, Kettering and Rushden, every Wednesday afternoon in August.
Icanwecanyoucan events
Two Icanwecanyoucan events to celebrate the Olympics and Paralympics held in Paris this summer. One at Rushden Lakes, the other in Corby Town Centre.